Thursday, February 19, 2015

Practicing speech sounds in conversation

This activity is fun and promotes using correct speech sounds in conversation. Have someone ask you these fun questions. Make a tally mark each time you say your speech sound. Circle the tally marks when you incorrectly pronounce your speech sound! Good Luck.

Conversation Starters

E-Learning for Friday, February 20th

I hope all of you are staying warm! I have included a few activities in this post that can be completed for your e-learning day. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at Please either email your work to me or return it at your next speech session.

If we are cancelled on Friday, February 20th or Monday, February 23rd and you normally have speech on Fridays or Mondays, please spend 20 minutes on any of the activities posted in the blog or the activities posted below. Either return this paper with a caregiver’s signature or email me a video of yourself completing this task.


1.       Draw a picture and tell someone about it using your good speech sounds.

2.       Email me a video of you pretending to order a pizza using your good speech sounds.

3.       Interview a friend or family member and use your good speech sounds when you’re asking questions.

4.       Play hide and seek with a friend or family member using an object with your speech sound in it. Have someone hide the object and ask about the location of the object while you’re searching for it (example: Is the fork under the table).

5.       Look at old pictures or pictures in a magazine or book with a friend or family member and talk about your memories using good speech sounds.  Tell about what everyone’s faces are doing (are they happy?) and where you were in the picture.


This is an awesome website that has suggestions on how to encourage language in your child!

Language Suggestions